They can do both.
The Animals in the eviroment that eat other animals are lowering the population.
And the animals that help the enviroment eat the bugs
12/4/2012 10:17:06 am

Good answer, but bugs are animals too. Bugs do some good things as well. I found this answer online about how bugs can help us as well:

"The truth is, without insects we might not have all the flowers and fruits and vegetables we are used to enjoying. Insects help with pollination, which helps plants and flowers grow. Insects also help keep soils healthy by aerating it (in other words, giving it oxygen). Some small insects also create compost piles (a mixture of plants, animal parts, water and soil that is high in nutrients) with their nests, adding vital nutrients to the soil."

Hunter M
12/13/2012 01:01:43 am

Read mine it is pretty good!!! Your's is ok but animals are making the population of humans bigger.

The epic person you know as KYLE
12/17/2012 11:40:17 pm



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